

In the Czech Republic, which is also known as the heart of Europe, is located on the east small village Helvíkovice which is the gateway of Orlické hory (Eagle Mountains). There you can visit our kennel, with name "od Strážců hor" (Guards of Mountains) where are breeding Saint´s really long time. In selecting the name of kennel we was not inspirated only our geographical location, but also our breed, which originates from the Swiss Alpine pass St. Bernard, where these dogs protected monastery and deliver a lot of humans lives.

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In our kennel you can see shorthair and longhair variety. Shorthair variety is origin! Today is longhair veriety more popular for many people but we love both variety. When is Saint Bernard nice, so is not important if he is longhair or shorthair.

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We are living on the edge of the village and the house is located meadows, fields and forests, which we use for walks with our Saint´s. Always when we see our dogs to run freely, to think that this should see a lot of people who have idea that Saint Bernard is lazy dog, which has like only food. However, the opposite is true and Saint Bernard you can fascinate up incredibly fast and harmonious movement. Freedom of movement and adequate benefits dogs to maintain good physical and mental condition.

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Puppies which are born in our kennel are planned. We are choosing very carefully parents. Our priority are healthy puppies with nice character for shows or just as a familly members. When puppies are born, they live together with mother in house. We are trying to do our best to help mother with newborn puppies. When they are old enough, they go outside, where they can play and run.

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Puppies from us leaves the new owners when they are old minimum eight weeks. Our wish is to find for our puppies new homes, where they become family members in humans, who will be glad to pay them the maximum care and will not save the quality feeding.

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Puppies from kennel od Strážců hor have new home in Czech Republic and in other coutries: Netherlands, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, Finland, Switzerland, Sweden and Germany!

Strážci hor
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Copyright © 2010 - 2015 Milan Plundra, All texts and pictures are private property of our kennel and can´t be copied without our permission !!!