Ch. Hanah od Strážců hor
owner: Roman Kancír, CZ
Czech Champion, Czech Grand Champion, Champion CMKU, Czech Junior Champion,
Club Winner 2012, reserve World Winner 2012,
Regional Winner, Winner of Mladá Boleslav 2011
3 x CAJC, 3 x Junior BOB, 8 x CAC, 5 x CAC ČMKU, CACA, 2 x r.CAC, 3 x CACIB, r.CACIB, Czech National Winner,
5 x BOB, res. BIS Junior, BIS Puppy, BIG, BIG 5, 2 x BIS
WORLD DOG SHOW SALZBURG, A - Reserve World Winner 2012
Regional Winner, Winner of Mladá Boleslav, BIG, BIS - Regional dog show Mladá Boleslav 2011
Regional Winner, Winner of Mladá Boleslav, BIG, BIS - Regional dog show Mladá Boleslav 2011
CAJC, Junior BOB, res. BIS JUNIOR - MVP České Budějovice 2010