
About Us

Saint Bernard is one of the oldest and most popular breeds in the world. Nice charakter and impresive exterier it is Saint Bernard. Our family love thise breed so much that afther three generation are Saint´s part of our lives. We are breeds more than twenty years. The first kennel "z Poplužního dvora" founded my Grandfather Jan Plundra (*1928, +2004).

My 1

In this kennel was breeding only longhaired females. Puppies born in this kennel found their new families not only in the former Czechoslovakia but also far away from borders of our country. From this kennel was interesant stud dog Ciro z Poplužního dvora and from broad bitches was really important Bela z Poplužního dvora. She was first broad bitch of my father in kennel ze Žamberksého zámku, where I collected first experience. Bela had really nice character and she was good mother. She was with us more than 12 years.

My 2

Since ot the year 2005 we have kennel name of "od Strážců hor" (from mountains guards) and it is third kennel in our familly for third generation. Breedeing of Saint´s is our tradition. Now we have both variety of Saint´s - longhaired and shorthaired. We wanted help to shorthaired because in Czech and before in Czechoslovakia weren´t popular long time. Now is situation better and many people know origin Saint - shorthaired Saint.

My 3

Milan Plundra: Saint Bernard is important part of my life since my birth. It’s no wonder that person growing up next to this majestic and soft hearted breed cannot choose in adulthood other way of life than is life with Saint Bernard. My love for this breed caused that there is not the only one but there are numbers of dogs living with us in my house.

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Shows are my hobby. I like handling to my dogs in the ring. I am proud for my dogs friends. We together travel many kilometers for shows in the Europe. Since March 2008 I am an adviser of breeding in our Saint bernard Club. Since 2015 I am national judge for St. Bernard dog shorthaired and St. Bernard dog longhaired.. Other my hobby are horses and show jumping.

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Zuzana Plundrová: The whole her life is surrounded with animals, especially with dogs and horses. Because we are together :) This also influenced on her choice for profession and she became a veterinarian doctor. Zuzka is really much important for our kennel. She take care especially for the health of our dogs and puppies.

My 6
Milan 1985
My 7
My 9
My 8
Mz 10
Mz 11
My 15
My 14
My 13
My 20


Copyright © 2010 - 2015 Milan Plundra, All texts and pictures are private property of our kennel and can´t be copied without our permission !!!